The Festival of Music all over France on the summer solstice (and reportedly now in more than 130 countries but not Australia) was started by Jack Lang, the Minister for Culture in the Mitterrand Government in 1981. The idea was to celebrate the solstice in a similar way to ancient cultures and to capture French culture at is roots. Everywhere, the music societies, groups, individuals and choirs come out to sing or perform. The range is wide and the atmosphere is friendly and inclusive.

We spent the evening in Paris walking around taking in the performances. They ranged from French popular songs of the sixties, a range of international songs performed by individuals and groups, African Drum and dancing performances and traditional French songs performed by choirs or accordion players.
Some groups even had books of lyrics so that the crowd could join in with the fun. Dominique took up the challenge in the shadow of the Académie française
All under the watchful eye of Henry IV on his white horse.
By midnight, after ice cream, the grounds started to look a bit tired!
All the pictures here.