The Promenade Plantée is a former rail reserve between the
Opéra Bastille with an elevated section known as Viaduc des Arts and the
Périphérique roadway around Paris around 4.5km away. On the way it passes by Gare
de Lyon and through the 12-ème. The walk
created on the former rail reserve was the first rail walk in the world. It has
now been emulated elsewhere, notably in New York.
It is also known as the Coulée verte, French for Green Course, and it is not hard to see why.

In spite of the Parisiennes being
preoccupied with the runoff round in the elections of the Deputies, as earlier
reported, there were still plenty of people walking along the Promenade on a
sunny Sunday afternoon or taking the opportunity to sun themselves in the parks along the way.
From the Promenade itself, it is possible to view interesting
streetscapes of eastern Paris, and building features not normally easily seen
from the street.
Worth a look on a sunny Sunday, particularly if you consider the rewards for completion!
There are more photos of the walk here.
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