Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Stuttgart on a Sunday - Cars and More Cars

The Mercedes Benz Museum

In order to explore the car industry, we devoted our second day in Stuttgart to visits to both the Mercedes Benz Museum and the Porsche Museum.  

As Mercedes Benz has grown up with the car industry, and constantly broadened its base to include luxury cars for the wealthy and influential, as well as tractors, trucks and busses for the rest of us, the museum was more interesting from a social history perspective.  Here you can find a short slide show of some of the highlights of the visit. 

The Porsche Museum

The Porsche Museum, devoted as it was the to design prowess of the Porsche father and son, was more as one would expect from a car museum – closer to a motor show devoted to one brand over a period of time. There was considerable focus on the Porsche racing heritage. As a result, it was less interesting to the general visitor.  It did have the better entrance, though. 

The Entry to the Porsche Museum
For the petrol heads, for only €99, it was possible to drive the latest model on a closed road.  It would have been wasted on me, but there was a queue.

They had so many, I am sure they would not miss just one.

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